When camp came to a close in 2019, we never imagined not running our programs the following summer. And yet, here we are, 2020 was a difficult year for everyone. Camp Esquagama after months of deliberating made the decision at the end of May 2020, for the health and safety of our campers, staff, and community to cancel camp for the summer. There were tough emotions to deal with, but as we contacted our camp families, we were touched by the overflowing support. Now, after a more than a year away, months of projects and much needed restoration work, CAMP IS BACK FOR FUN IN 21!
We are truly fortunate for love and support of our community and the patience as we prepared for what will be a special summer. Things will look a little different this year from wearing masks to activity rotations to eating outside all the time, except when it is bad weather. Is everything set in stone, no, we have developed multiple summer activity game plans and options to best fit as best practices and regulation changes.
We truly believe that one week at camp can create an experience that lasts a lifetime. The skills you develop, the memories you make, and the friends you will still be talking too years later about that one time at Summer Camp. We can’t wait for Summer 2021 and to continue our mission in sharing with campers new and old the Camp Esquagama experience. Camp Esquagama is truly a place where a kid can spend time being a kid!
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Share The Journey,
Robert Johnson